You've enabled Tableau, now what?

With Tableau, you can easily create beautiful visualizations from your data and share with a click.

Download Tableau.

Create an account and download either Tableau or Tableau Public v.10+.

Tableau Public & Tableau Desktop Public are free to use.

Connect to

Using the web data connector, you can connect Tableau to your account:

  1. Choose More from the Server menu, then select Web Data Connector
  2. Enter in the text field and hit Enter to submit

Choose and preview your data.

Once you are connected to, you can begin choosing data to visualize.

  1. Once you login & authorize, enter the URL for the desired project, or search available projects with the Search feature

  2. Drag your selected table to the main panel, then select Update Now or Automatically Update to preview your data.

3. Create your visualizations!

What next?

Here are a few things you can do with Tableau and

  • Create a large variety of visualizations with the ability to manually edit measures, dimensions, color, chart type, and more.
  • Share your visualizations with the wider data community using Tableau Online.
  • Automatically sync your data so your visualizations are always kept up to date.
  • Create visualizations from both datasets and SQL queries.

Want to see more information on the + Tableau Integration? check it out here.