You've enabled Chart Builder, now what?

With Chart Builder by, you can easily create embeddable vega-lite visualizations without having to write JSON code.

Start building a chart.

With the Build Chart button, you can quickly start building a chart right from your dataset:

  • Navigate to the dataset that you want to visualize with Chart Builder
  • Click the Build Chart button in the top right corner of the screen

Edit chart contents & settings.

You can easily edit your chart with the Visual Editor - simply choose your axes, point size, color, and any other encodings (fields) that you want. You can also further edit your choices by selecting “Options” next to each encoding.

  1. Choose your chart type, set X & Y axes, and configure optional details like color and chart size.
  2. You can edit your chart directly using Vega-Lite by selecting the Vega-Lite Editor tab in your chart settings.
  3. View your chart & add a title

What next?

Here are a few things you can do with Chart Builder and

  • Use the Save As option to save your chart as a file or an Insight to your project. Saving as an Insight allows viewers to see at-a-glance trends and information.
  • Upload any vega (.vg.json) or vega-lite (.vl.json) file to your project to view and edit within
  • Embed your chart anywhere supports markdown (like in comments), using the Share URL option from the Downloads menu.
    Use @[vega](link goes here) or @[vega-lite](link goes here) to embed your file.

Want to see more information on the + Chart Builder Integration? check it out here.